Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sweet smell of success

Ah yes, it is finished. I have done my Graduate recital and it was pretty good I think. It is very odd that it is done now and just a touch bitter sweet. So, with one final left (which happens tomorrow) I have to leave the world of student and enter the real world.

I will add more (how many times in the last month have I said "I'm going to totally blog about that" with no follow through) but this has been a very difficult month for me and the family. Now I have a single grandmother left since my dad's father died Thursday morning. The morning of my dress rehearsal. The creepy thing is that my mom's father died the morning of my opera dress rehearsal about four weeks ago. It is a sick, twisted thing.

So the tension of my recital is gone, but the tension in the family is choking me at times. Prayers would be much appreciated of course. Keeping my head above the emotional water.

On top of this, I am looking for a full time job, hopefully in teaching, for the fall. Most likely it will be something in the K-12 area since I won't be able to do the collegiate thing yet. It is looking more and more like I won't be able to graduate until the Fall due to testing conflicts. Sigh.

Stress, stress, stress, stress!

1 comment:

Evan said...

I'm pullin' for ya!