Friday, May 16, 2008

i before e except after c...sound familiar?

Perhaps I am being a bit hypocritical, but lately one of my biggest pet peeves is people spelling the word "receive" like this: "recieve". AHHHHHHH! People, I watched Charlie Brown and I learned this rule: i before e except after c. Besides the fact that a big red line should show up under the word "recieve" to indicate that it is indeed incorrect, I would hope that people would remember this simple rule.

Now, I have been known to misspell words on this blog where I have had to go back and re-publish it to make sure it was right. However, the majority of websites that I have seen this egregious error on were PROFESSIONAL websites where people are SELLING things. (once again) AHHHHHHH! I am not selling anything, except for my brilliant ideas and the price is free!!

So, we shall review this:

Oh, just one more for a word I saw misspelled at a deli:
desert: "v. abandon in a way that is disloyal or trecherous..., n. a dry, barren area of land"
dessert: "the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal"
(definitions from the dicitionary application on my Apple)

The rule for this? We always want more deSSert, thus it gets TWO "s's".

Thank you for your time!

1 comment:

Evan said...

This is kinda like my "frustrated" comment. I never say the "fr" sound but I've now fixed my ways due to your lovely diction lessons Karen!