Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Seeing the world without glasses

If you are a contact and/or glasses wearer as I am, then I am sure you can relate to this thought. When I wake up in the morning, or even when I just take off my glasses for a moment, the world has a tendency to blur. Normally it isn't something I recommend, until I looked outside my window today. With my glasses on I see this:

Quite lovely. But, without my glasses, I saw a beautiful mesh of colors something like this (Though the picture does not do it justice, the view is magnificent!):

My two favorite times to look at the world without my glasses on are definitely fall and Christmas, especially at the trees with the twinkling lights. Here are some more pictures that are of my backyard and in a few days I know that the leaves will fall and be barren. But for now, my world is beautiful with or without perfect vision.

Friday, October 26, 2007

If you were gay, that would be okay

So, unless you have been living under a rock, here is a spoiler for you:Dumbledore is gay...gay!(Sorry, had to make a little Drop Dead Gorgeous reference). Shocking? Actually, in reflection, I think not. How dangerous love can be!

The Indians are not in the World Series right now but my surrogate team, the Bo Sox, are. However, I am a huge believer in the underdog and though I don't really feel they have a chance at this point, I am cheering for the Rockies.

In the news of my life, I have left my job at the 'bucks. What a different experience it was! I loved (and dearly miss) my store in Cambridge, and this experience was almost the complete opposite.

Also, opera scenes are finally coming together. Once again, I play a saucy girl (though not a maid this time) that enjoys teasing those in the room. Unlike my experience at Longy, I am only in one scene but I am getting almost a month to practice the staging (which was not the case before...what was it Bree? a week?). But like Longy, I will give a brief summary of the scenes prior to the night so you, my darlings that are coming, will know what to expect. And yes, there will be another romance novel on the scene! So, keep Friday, November 16th in the evening open (it is the Friday before Thanksgiving!). Hope to see you then. Oh, and check back soon to see pictures of the glory that is Ohio in the Fall!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bee Bee Bumble Bee

This past Tuesday I made a discovery...I am allergic to bees. When I got stung it hurt like...well, really bad. I told my manager and she asked if I was allergic and I had no idea. Well, once I got back into my store, I was going to put something on the sting when she told me I had to get on bar. I was about to explain and she left.

Twenty painful minutes later, I got to the back room and used some disinfecting wipes and hoped that was good enough.

The next day, my whole upper arm was throbbing and half of it was red, puffy, itchy and hot. And all day long I was also strangely lethargic and when I finally had the opportunity to get some pain killers and cortisone cream, I realize that this wasn't a normal reaction.

So, it is now Saturday night and my arm is still red, but not as red, and a little itchy, though the swelling started to dwindle (FINALLY) yesterday.

The weather is getting colder and I am missing a bunch of sweaters:o( This is very disappointing since I think they are currently residing in my old apartment in Boston. Thank goodness Beth and Eileen are still there. Though this is a good excuse to buy some new ones, I really loved the ones I got last year and I finally don't have make sure I don't wear my gray one the same day Bree does:o).

Friday, October 5, 2007

Assuming makes...

Over the past month since my trip to NYC, my sickness seemed to spread not only to Adriane, but also to my family resulting to bronchitis and (in Adriane's case) pneumonia. Fabulous.

I have also started my new job at a drive thru Starbucks. At the present I will refrain from talking about my...er...interesting experience while I started my training and simply state that I have liked most of the people I have worked with thus far. As a vocalist, I can also say I like wearing a headset that does not require me to scream over steaming milk, grinding beans and crying babies.

Also, it is very exciting to see my Indians in the playoffs against the Yanks. Whatever happens, I am proud of them for making it this far and hopefully farther.

In about a week my grandparents with one of my favorite uncles will be coming into town. If you know my history, then you already know what I am thinking.

It is still warm outside in Cleveland and my classes are getting along. I will be doing opera scenes in November and it is suppose to be memorized by Thursday...but we have only gone over it twice, and one part of the piece ONCE! Why does it always have to be difficult?