Friday, February 15, 2008

Summer Graduation/What is happening with the world?

Because only 11 credits can transfer from Longy, I am one (elective) credit short of being able to graduate this spring. Thus, I am having to take a course this summer and will graduate in the summer. I feel like I should be horrified. Why wasn't I informed? Should I have asked sooner if there was more I should have instead of finding out from word of mouth?

I should be mad or frustrated that I wasn't told I had to put together a committee to do testing questions that I must pass before I graduate. I should be mad for not being told that I was suppose to apply to graduated in the fall for a spring date. But, that would be "shoulding all over myself".

In reality, at least I don't have to rush the process and I guess I just got lost in the shuffle. Finishing 2/3 of a degree in one year (and a one credit summer now) is an amazing feat and I am proud that I am pulling this off. And I am loving my experience at Akron despite this.

Once we went though everything and the meeting was concluding I turned to the dean. I told him how I really was pleasantly surprised at how great the classes & teachers are at Akron's. I have learned so much and each teacher I have had thus far is so caring and genuine in their teaching. But, I mentioned that the damper on my experience was how so much information is by word of mouth and how hard it is to figure out what exactly I need to do to graduate. He then took my comment, thought about it and saw how even having a simple sheet with a checklist for transfer students would be so beneficial for everyone.

Perhaps that sounds like I'm being a bit of a brown noser, but I felt that he needed to know his teachers are great and that the downfall of the school is the lack of organization when it comes to class expectations.

On another note, while there is rampant crime at Akron (we have had several bomb threats, various muggings, a shooting over a robbery) between the gravel lot and the music building I haven't felt threatened. But you never know.

With yet another shooting at school, at another university, it has become such a scary world for people that simply want to learn. From the educator side of my life, it makes the idea of taking a teaching job a bit more risky than being cussed at by hormone driven teenagers. It is becoming a very scary epidemic and one that I hope our generation is not known for starting.

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