Thursday, April 24, 2008

Going a little crazy

Okay, I haven't written for a while. In the mean time, I had a show and here is a pic to prove it:

Look at how creepy William looks! Ah, beautiful.

Anyway, so I had a 15 page paper that was due two days ago (just got that done,), program notes I have to send out this weekend and then my recital is in little over a week. I am going slightly crazy. Plus, this weekend is insanely busy!! I have a little break on Friday with not too much to do (just a concert to see!) and then..well... there is this:

12 - go pick up my wedding slip
1ish- take pictures at Springvale (my possible reception site)
3 - SIMONE's RECITAL! (I have the extreme privilege to have this very talented lady with me on my recital)
6 - Jen's Wedding...

Okay, so maybe it is more like my crazy Saturday. Simone will be fun. I don't know how Jen's wedding will go. I haven't seen her for over a year now and I haven't even met the guy she is marrying. I think I heard last summer that she was engaged, but she was usually too busy to meet up with me. Yup, it is one of those things. But we are invited, Evan, me and my parents, and I have known her for well over a decade so I will go and hopefully not feel too uncomfortable. If I do, I'll start running my recital music in my head. Maybe I should bring it along to review my music...jk!

1 comment:

Evan said...

Quoniam tu solus alticimus...